Weatherbit API Updates: Coming soon in 2020
We have been hard at work to bring our users new features. We are excited to announce new API endpoints, and new data-sets coming soon to the Weatherbit API.

Coming Soon - Early 2020:
- The 30 year Climate Normals (1981-2010) API. This API will provide hourly/daily/monthly climatologies for 7 major meteorological fields: Temperature, Dew point, Humidity, Wind speed, Wind direction, Precipitation, and Snowfall. It will provide climate normals at a spatial resolution of 9km to 22km for any point in the world.
Coming Soon - Late 2020:
- 9 km ERA-5 historical re-analysis data available via the historical weather API.
- Integration of the AROME 2.5 km, and Finnish 2.5 km HARMONIE models into the hourly forecast API. These additional models will greatly enhance short-term regional forecasts in, and around the EU.
- Expanded Ag-Weather datasets.
Be sure to stay tuned for these new features, and other updates! Sign up for free today to try out our API.
Thank you,
The Weatherbit API Team