Updates: Zip codes, Historical weather data improvements, and more!

We are always working towards building the best weather API on the market. Based on our users' feedback, we have implemented some great new features!

Updates: Zip codes, Historical weather data improvements, and more!

Zip code/postal code weather API requests

You can now easily request weather data, and forecasts based on a zip code or postal code! The API now supports lookups by zip/postal code for over 20 countries, including the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, and more!

Weather forecast resolution

Our advanced weather API users now have access to 13km spatial resolution forecast data. Spatial resolution is critical for resolving forecast areas with complicated climates, or varied geography. Low resolution weather forecast providers like Openweathermap, or APIXU have trouble resolving these areas. As a result their forecasts can fail to correctly predict the future weather for these areas.

Improved historical weather data quality

Here at Weatherbit, we take data quality seriously! We have improved our internal quality control algorithms to flag/filter and attempt to correct suspicious recent observations.


As always, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our services for our users! If you have any feature requests, or issues please feel free to send us a message! We appreciate any feedback!