News: Weather API - Version 2.0!
We are excited to announce the release of version 2.0 of the Weatherbit API! With this release comes a bunch of exciting new features, and improvements!

** 10 years of Historical Weather Data**
You can retrieve up to 10 years of historical weather data via our historical weather API. Improvements have also been made to the API's location lookup accuracy.
Solar Insolation, Historical Snowfall, and More!
All of our weather API's now return direct solar insolation (W/m^2). Additionally, the historical, and current weather API endpoints now include solar hour angle, solar elevation angle, measured/estimated snowfall, dew-point, station pressure, and more!
Bulk Historical Weather Data
With this release, we now have an API you can use to retrieve multiple years worth of historical data in one call! (Advanced+ Plans, and Enterprise Plans)
Weather Data for Everyone
Our generous free weather API tier just got a whole lot more generous! As a free user, you can now access every API (with the exception of bulk/batch endpoints)! This includes, 48 hour forecasts, 16 day forecasts, 5 day forecasts, daily historical weather data, hourly historical weather data, and more!
There is much more that has not been covered in this article. Be sure to check out our documentation, or sign up for a free account today!
Thank you!
The Weatherbit API Team