API Update: Hourly AG-Weather API

Hourly AG Weather API release, and Reference Evapotranspiration calculation updates.

API Update: Hourly AG-Weather API

We have a couple of exciting updates regarding our API, and our service offerings.

Hourly Ag-Weather Data API

Our AG-Weather API now returns both hourly, and daily data. This will allow for greater resolution of short term fluctuations in weather conditions that affect agriculture. To use hourly data, simply append the "&tp=hourly" URL parameter to


Additionally, this API now uses both the GLDAS, and ERA-5 as it's primary data sources.

Updates to Evapotranspiration Calculation

In combination with this update, we have made an update to the way our AgWeather API calculates Reference Evapotranspiration (ET0). It now incorporates an updated version of the Penman Monteith Formula described in https://marais.ch/doc/fao56.pdf, which enables a significantly better calculation of ET0 particularly in hot/humid conditions.


We hope that our users find value in these updates. We are always looking for ways to improve our API. Feel free to reach out to support@weatherbit.io with any questions or concerns.